Legal restitution process of the Shiwiar lands

The territory demanded by the Ecuadorian Shiwiar Nationality (NASHIE) is owned by the Ministery of Defence, and was named “National Security Zone” 25 years ago while Ecuador was at war with Peru.

With the support of three NGO,Ecociencia (Ecuador), Pachamama (USA) et Arutam (France) , NASHIE signed in December 2005, a contract with INDA (National Institute of Agricultural Development). This Department of Ministery of Agriculture and Environment of Ecuador commits itself to legitimize the claimed territories, according to the Ecuadorian Constitution, after a complete study of the area. This study should imperatively contain a socio-economic and ecologically detailed census report about this land, in charge of Indians. It will pursue by a check-out of the State and an ultimate legal selling by auction process.

According to the lawyers in charge of this file, this selling by auction of Shiwiar lands process would have to last two years and end at the end of 2007. The total cost is estimated about 70.000 ¤. Arutam is collecting donations (subsciptions) on a specific account at the Shiwiar disposal and only used to the restitution and preservation of Shiwiar, Achuar and Zapara territories (adjacent areas in legalisation process also).

In addition, if at the end of the legalisation proceeding, it should stay some money, Zero Deforestation pledge according with Indians to fund some preservation projects of these areas.

In addition, if some money remains at the end of the legalisation proceeding, Zero Deforestation engages to fund preservation plans of these areas in agreement with Indians.

For information, deforestation rate on these Indians territories is 17 times less than the rest of Amazonia (ISA 2006).

Un don pour sauver la forêt et ses habitants

Zéro Déforestation is an action made by